Bloggers Recognition Award


I express my heartfelt thanks to Geetashree for nominating me for The Bloggers Recognition Award.


 Some days ago I received a comment from Geetashree  on a previous post with the ending “I’ve nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award!” I was like whaaaat? That was such a surprise for me and I thank you  from the bottom of my heart. This means so much to me and I’m so glad that this virtual space is not only a place to express ourselves but also a great way to meet new people and why not, make them our friends. So go check her blog, you will like it too. 😊💝

The Rules of the award are :

    1. Thank the blogger who has nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    2. Write a post to show your award.
    3. Briefly tell your blogging journey.
    4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
    5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.Comment on each blog you have nominated to inform them and share the link you have created.

My journey as a blogger

Back in june,2015. I had a time when I felt very creative with a strong need of expression and a space all mine. So I came up with the name Creativity without being sure what I will post about. So, I’m blogging about henna designs, doodles & zentangles. But I didn’t abandon my creative side, so I opened a channel on YouTube. If you’re curious you can take a look at my YouTube channel but please don’t laugh that I have only 105 subscribers. I do it for myself, because I want to, because I feel so without thinking at numbers. This works for this blog too. 😊📝📋✍


My advice to new bloggers

My advice to all of you new bloggers out there would be, to simply be you. Part of that means to say what you want to say, get your meaning across, fill your mind with imagination and creativity. And secondly, you can have your own routine. You might not feel like blogging every day and that’s okay. 🙂 😊✍

“Don’t doubt yourself, that’s what haters are for.” ― Turcois Ominek

My nominations for this award

      1. Awe-Inspiring
      2. curryNcode
      3. Vikas Jatav
      4. Elizabeth Rose
      5. Naomi Byrnes
      6. Free Spirit Meg
      7. Nithya
      8. Miss Talkaholic
      9. Opher
      10. Beparvah !!
      11. elizarudol
      12. Ajay
      13. Tiffany Belle Harper
      14. Martian Poet
      15. Shreyans

I have come across many more excellent bloggers. However since the number of nominees has been prescribed as 15 only for this contest, I have no other choice but to leave out many deserving candidates. I apologize to all of them whom I am not able to nominate because of this restriction. Thank you again to Geetashree . I’m really glad that I was one of the bloggers you chose to be deserving of this Blogger Recognition Award.  Good luck to all. 🙂 👍

25 thoughts on “Bloggers Recognition Award

  1. Thank you so much for the award..i really appreciate your time to follow me and like my posts.. you comment was on spam folder don’t know why…just saw now

    Liked by 1 person

          1. You have given your contact number as well under the contact category. I think it can be misused.
            So, in my opinion it would be better if you provide it to only those you know or ask for. Just to be on the safer side. Just my thoughts.

            Liked by 1 person

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